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drapeau france

Saison 2024/2025


Informations : Martin Kraft et al.

Date Nombre
12/11/2024 1085
11/11/2024 400
8/11/2024 150
7/11/2024 1 234
4/11/2024 3 592
3/11/2024 76 600
2/11/2024 29 200
28/10/2024 482
27/10/2024 47
25/10/2024 34 300
24/10/2024 9 020
23/10/2024 8 300
22/10/2024 650
21/10/2024 75
20/10/2024 330
19/10/2024 410
18/10/2024 4 640
17/10/2024 11 830
16/10/2024 50 600
15/10/2024 30 100
12/10/2024 10 185
07/10/2024 121
06/10/2024 7 160
05/10/2024 45
 04/10/2024  6 194
1/10/2024 46

drapeau france

In the Hesse region, the migration of Common Cranes has been followed since 1987.
In Autumn and spring, 20 to 25 people count the migrating cranes every day. Martin Kraft sends the results of the counts to the migration specialists every evening through the list « grus-grus ».
These counts are very important for the survey of cranes in Europe and particularly in autumn for France as the birds which are seen in the Hesse region will normally then head towards the north-east of France (Lorraine and Champagne-Ardenne).

To get an optimal visibility, the counts are made from several places situated on higher elevations, between 300 and 400 metres above see level around Marbourg, on a 70- kilometre long line roughly centred on Marbourg, between Alsfeld (40 km east of Marbourg) and Herborn (30 km south-west of Marbourg).

The most important of these places are the roof of the Department of biology in the Marburg Lahn mountain (some 400 metres above see level), the Marburger Hasenkopf, west of Marbourg (340 metres) and the Altenberg in Odenhausen in the Lahn valley, about 17 km south of Marbourg (300 metres).

Informations : Martin Kraft.